Sole Trader Tax Return Example: File with Ease

Did you know that over 1.2 million Australians are registered as sole traders, making it the most popular business structure in the country? If you’re among those who are self-employed and operate as a sole trader, understanding how to navigate the complexities of filing your tax return is crucial.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive sole trader tax return example, including templates, forms, guides, samples, requirements, checklists, and tips to help you prepare your financials for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) confidently and efficiently.

sole trader tax return example

Key Takeaways:

  • Over 1.2 million Australians are registered as sole traders, making it the most popular business structure in the country.
  • This article provides a comprehensive sole trader tax return example, including templates, forms, guides, samples, requirements, checklists, and tips to help you file your tax return with ease.

Understanding Sole Trader Tax

As a sole trader, you are required to pay tax on your business income, just like any other business or individual. The tax you pay as a sole trader is based on your personal income tax rates and is determined by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). You will report your business income after deducting eligible business expenses in your personal income tax return.

It’s important to note that sole trader tax is part of your personal income tax because your business is owned by you. This means that the tax rates for sole traders align with individual rates. However, businesses above a certain threshold may have different tax rates, which are determined by the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Regardless of your income as a sole trader, you will need a tax file number (TFN) and an Australian business number (ABN), and you must submit an annual income tax return. If your annual income exceeds $75,000, you will also need to register for GST and submit a business activity statement (BAS) either monthly or quarterly.

Understanding the sole trader tax requirements and obligations is crucial to ensure compliance with the ATO. By staying informed about tax liability, deductions, and tax rates, you can effectively manage your tax obligations and optimize your tax returns as a sole trader.

Sole Trader Tax Rates and GST

Sole traders are subject to the same tax rates as individual taxpayers when it comes to their business income. After deducting business expenses such as rent, accounting fees, travel expenses, vehicle expenses, working-from-home expenses, and taking advantage of the instant asset write-off, sole traders apply these tax rates to their taxable income. This means that the tax rates for sole traders align with the personal tax rates.

For businesses with income below the $75,000 profit mark, sole trader tax is similar to paying individual taxes without the need to concern yourself with GST.

If a sole trader’s business income exceeds $75,000, they are required to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). When making purchases for their business, the sole trader can claim GST credits for the GST amount charged. Additionally, the remainder of the purchase can be claimed as a tax-deductible expense if it is for work-related purposes.

It’s important for sole traders to keep track of their business purchases and sales to accurately claim GST credits and comply with tax regulations.

To facilitate this process, sole traders must submit Business Activity Statements (BAS), which summarize their business purchases and sales, helping them track their business activity and claim GST credits. Bookkeeping and accurate record-keeping are crucial for sole traders to ensure compliance and maximize their tax benefits.

Below is an example of a simplified depreciation rule for the tax-deductible purchase of assets:

By staying informed about the tax rate guide and understanding how the GST applies to their business, sole traders can effectively manage their tax obligations and optimize their tax deductions.

Key Dates for Tax Lodgment and Payment

As a sole trader, it is essential to stay on top of important tax dates to ensure a smooth and timely filing process. Here are the key dates you need to keep in mind:

important tax dates

Tax Lodgment Deadline

The deadline for lodgment of your tax return as a sole trader is 31 October of each year. This is the due date when you are responsible for submitting your tax return to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Using a Tax Agent

If you choose to use a registered tax agent for your tax lodgment, you can enjoy an extended deadline. Tax agents have special lodgment concessions, and they can lodge your tax return after 31 October. However, you must engage a registered tax agent before the 31 October deadline to be eligible for the extended lodgment period.

Utilizing Tax Software

To simplify the tax lodgment process, you can take advantage of tax software like QuickBooks. QuickBooks offers user-friendly features that enable you to easily organize your financial information, calculate your tax obligations, and submit your tax return electronically. With the help of QuickBooks tax software, you can streamline your tax lodgment and ensure accuracy in your financial reporting.

Consulting a ProAdvisor

If you prefer professional assistance with your tax lodgment, you can consult a ProAdvisor in your area. ProAdvisors are certified experts in using QuickBooks and can provide personalized guidance to help streamline your tax filing process and ensure compliance with tax laws. The ProAdvisor directory can help you find a qualified professional near you.

By staying aware of these key dates and utilizing the right tools and resources, you can effectively manage your tax lodgment as a sole trader and meet your obligations to the ATO.

Maximizing Your Tax Return as a Sole Trader

Sole traders have the opportunity to maximize their tax return by understanding their business structure and leveraging certain strategies. If you predominantly earn income based on your personal efforts, skills, or expertise, you may be classified as receiving personal services income (PSI). Identifying PSI and claiming eligible business tax deductions can significantly impact your tax return.

As a sole trader, you can claim deductions for various business expenses such as advertising, travel expenses, home office costs, machinery and equipment, vehicle expenses, office supplies, wages and salaries, and self-education expenses directly related to your business activities. By utilizing these deductions, you can potentially save thousands of dollars each year and increase your tax refund.

Maximizing your tax return as a sole trader involves understanding the types of deductions you can claim and keeping track of your eligible expenses. By accurately documenting your business expenses and understanding what is considered a deductible expense, you can ensure that you are claiming all the deductions you are entitled to. This can potentially result in significant tax savings and a higher tax refund.

It is important to note that not all expenses can be claimed as deductions. Expenses that are of a personal nature or unrelated to your business activities are generally not deductible. Additionally, there may be specific rules and limits on certain types of deductions, so it is crucial to stay informed and seek professional advice if needed.

Remember, maximizing your tax return requires careful planning, record-keeping, and adherence to tax laws and regulations. By staying organized, understanding your eligible deductions, and seeking expert assistance when necessary, you can optimize your tax savings as a sole trader and improve your overall financial position.

Claiming Deductions as a Sole Trader

Sole traders have the advantage of claiming deductions for various eligible business expenses to reduce their tax liability. By understanding the types of expenses that are deductible, you can maximize your tax savings and keep more money in your pocket. Here are some common deductions that sole traders can claim:

  • Advertising and Marketing: You can deduct the costs associated with advertising and marketing your business to attract customers or clients.
  • Business Computer and Laptop Expenses: If you use a computer or laptop for your business, you can claim the cost of purchasing and maintaining these devices.
  • Business Travel: Expenses related to business trips, including airfare, accommodation, meals, and transportation, are generally deductible.
  • Insurance and Phone Bills: The costs of insuring your business and your business-related phone bills can be claimed as deductions.
  • Home Office: If you have a dedicated space in your home that you use exclusively for your business, you can deduct a portion of your rent or mortgage, utilities, and other home office expenses.
  • Machinery and Equipment: The cost of purchasing or leasing machinery and equipment used for your business can be claimed as a deduction.
  • Motor Vehicle Expenses: If you use your personal vehicle for business purposes, you can claim a deduction for the expenses associated with its operation, such as fuel, maintenance, and insurance.
  • Office Supplies: The costs of office supplies, such as stationery, printer ink, and postage, are deductible as long as they are used exclusively for your business.
  • Wages and Salaries: If you have employees, you can claim their wages and salaries as deductible expenses.
  • Self-Education Expenses: If you undertake courses or training programs to improve your skills and knowledge relevant to your business, you can deduct the associated expenses.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all expenses are deductible. Non-deductible expenses include childcare expenses, family clothing, entertainment expenses, fines or penalties, hobby income, and certain travel-related expenses for non-business purposes.

Proper record-keeping is crucial when claiming deductions as a sole trader. You should keep detailed records and retain all receipts and invoices to support your claims. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires you to maintain accurate records for at least five years and may request them during an audit. By adhering to good record-keeping practices, you can ensure compliance with the ATO’s requirements and avoid any potential issues.

To better understand the deductions you are entitled to as a sole trader and to ensure you optimize your tax savings, consider consulting with a tax professional or accountant who specializes in small business taxes. They can provide expert advice tailored to your specific circumstances and help you navigate the complex tax landscape.


As a sole trader, you can claim a range of deductions for eligible business expenses, such as advertising and marketing costs, business computer and laptop expenses, business travel expenses, insurance and phone bills, home office expenses, machinery and equipment costs, motor vehicle expenses, office supplies, wages and salaries, and self-education expenses. Keeping accurate records and retaining receipts is crucial to support your deductions and comply with the ATO’s record-keeping requirements.

Simplifying Tax With Accounting Software

Sole traders can simplify their tax processes by utilizing accounting software specifically designed for their needs. Accounting software allows you to track your income and expenses, manage receipts, create and send invoices, and handle tax-related tasks. By using accounting software, you can streamline your financial management, ensure accuracy in tax calculations, and stay organized throughout the year.


Consider using software like MYOB, which offers features tailored for sole traders. With this software, you can automate the tracking of income and expenses, simplifying the tax filing process. MYOB also provides receipt management functionality, allowing you to easily capture and store receipts for future reference or expense claims.

In addition to income and expense tracking, accounting software also enables efficient invoicing for sole traders. You can create professional invoices, customize them to reflect your brand, and easily send them to your clients. This ensures timely payment and helps you maintain a healthy cash flow for your business.

Tax management is another crucial aspect of accounting software for sole traders. The software will assist you in accurately calculating your tax liability based on your income and expenses. It will also help you identify tax deductible expenses and maximize your deductions, ultimately reducing your overall tax burden.

Furthermore, accounting software enables seamless payment acceptance, allowing you to receive payments from your clients easily and securely. This feature can include integration with various payment gateways or the ability to generate payment links for swift transactions.

By embracing accounting software, sole traders can simplify their tax processes, save time, and reduce the risk of errors. The automation and organization provided by these software solutions can help sole traders stay compliant with tax regulations, maintain accurate financial records, and focus on growing their business.

Knowledge and Compliance

As a sole trader, maintaining organized and accurate financial records is crucial to ensure compliance with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requirements. The ATO mandates that your records be in English or easily converted to English, securely stored, and retained for a period of five years. Furthermore, these records must be made available for inspection upon request by the ATO. Proper record-keeping involves keeping track of sales records, purchase and expense records, and bank records. It is also advisable to maintain receipts and documentation for your deductions, especially when claiming business travel expenses. By keeping comprehensive and up-to-date financial records, you not only meet the ATO’s compliance requirements but also simplify the tax filing process.

Ensuring your financial records are in English or convertible to English is essential for the ATO’s audit and review processes. It allows for a clear understanding of your business transactions and enables effective analysis and assessment. Moreover, having accurate and well-organized records can significantly streamline tax audits, should they occur. By providing the necessary documentation promptly, you demonstrate your commitment to compliance and professionalism.


Benefits of a Sole Trader Business Structure

The sole trader business structure offers simplicity and ease of operation for independent business owners. With this structure, you have full legal responsibility for your business, including any debts and losses it may incur. This means that you have complete control over your business decisions and operations without the need for complex legal processes.

One of the advantages of being a sole trader is the ability to use your individual Tax File Number (TFN) to lodge your tax return for your business income. This simplifies the tax filing process, as you can file your personal and business taxes together, streamlining your financial obligations.

Operating as a sole trader is ideal for individuals who prefer a straightforward business structure and want to maintain full control over their operations. It allows for flexibility, easy decision-making, and minimal administrative requirements.


Expert Tips for Sole Trader Tax Returns

Preparing your tax return as a sole trader can be a complex task, but by following expert tips, you can streamline the process and maximize your tax benefits. Here are some essential tips to consider:

1. Consult with an Accountant: Seeking guidance from a qualified accountant can help you optimize your tax deductions and ensure compliance with tax laws. They can offer personalized advice based on your specific financial situation and help you navigate any complexities that may arise during the tax return process.

2. Stay Updated with Tax Laws and Regulations: Tax laws and regulations can change frequently, so it’s crucial to stay informed about any updates that may affect your tax obligations. Subscribe to relevant newsletters or publications, attend tax seminars or workshops, and consult reliable sources to ensure you’re aware of the latest requirements.

3. Maintain a Budget: Keeping track of your business expenses through budgeting is vital for accurate tax reporting. A well-organized budget allows you to monitor your cash flow, identify deductible expenses, and ensure you have the necessary records to support your deductions during tax time.

4. Engage in Tax Planning: Tax planning involves strategically managing your finances throughout the year to minimize your overall tax liability. By analyzing your income, expenses, and projected earnings, you can make informed decisions that optimize your tax position. Examples of tax planning strategies include timing income and expenses, utilizing tax-deductible investments, and maximizing superannuation contributions.

By incorporating these expert tips into your tax return process, you can navigate the complexities of sole trader taxation effectively. Remember, consulting with professionals and staying informed is essential for ensuring accuracy, compliance, and maximizing your tax benefits as a sole trader.

tax return tips

Resources for Sole Trader Tax Returns

If you need further assistance with your sole trader tax return, there are various resources available. The ATO website is a valuable source of information and tools for sole traders. It provides comprehensive guides, forms, and calculators to help you navigate the tax filing process. You can also consider consulting with a registered tax agent for personalized advice and guidance. They have the expertise to navigate complex tax situations and ensure compliance with the ATO.

Additionally, there are business finance blogs and small business forums where you can find helpful tips and insights from experts and fellow business owners. These online communities allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who may have encountered similar tax situations. Participating in discussions and asking questions can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the tax return process. Stay updated with the latest industry trends and changes in tax regulations by following reputable business finance blogs and forums.

Remember, resources such as the ATO website, tax agent directory, business finance blogs, and small business forums are available to assist you in efficiently preparing and filing your sole trader tax return. Utilize these resources to ensure accuracy and maximize your deductions while ensuring compliance with the ATO.


Filing your sole trader tax return doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right tax knowledge, efficient tax filing tools, and access to relevant resources, you can confidently and efficiently prepare your financials as a sole trader while ensuring compliance with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

By understanding the tax requirements specific to sole traders, such as sole trader tax return examples and checklists, you can navigate the tax filing process with ease. It’s essential to maximize your deductions by identifying eligible expenses and keeping accurate records. This will not only help you reduce your tax liability but also ensure that you are in ATO compliance.

Consulting with tax professionals, such as registered tax agents, can provide you with expert guidance and advice tailored to your sole trader business. Additionally, utilizing available resources, including the ATO website and small business forums, can further enhance your tax knowledge and help you stay updated with any changes in tax laws and regulations.

By combining efficient tax filing techniques with the right tax knowledge and ATO compliance, you can confidently manage your sole trader tax return and fulfill your tax obligations, enabling you to focus on growing your business and achieving your entrepreneurial goals.


What is a sole trader tax return?

A sole trader tax return is the process of reporting your business income and expenses to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a sole trader. It is a requirement for all sole traders to submit an annual income tax return.

How do I calculate my taxable income as a sole trader?

To calculate your taxable income as a sole trader, you need to deduct your business expenses from your business income. Business expenses can include rent, accounting fees, travel expenses, vehicle expenses, working-from-home expenses, and the instant asset write-off.

Do I need to register for GST as a sole trader?

If your annual income as a sole trader exceeds $75,000, you are required to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST) and submit a Business Activity Statement (BAS) either monthly or quarterly.

What expenses can I claim as a sole trader?

As a sole trader, you can claim deductions for various business expenses such as advertising, travel expenses, home office costs, machinery and equipment, vehicle expenses, office supplies, wages and salaries, and self-education expenses directly related to your business activities.

What expenses cannot be claimed as deductions for sole traders?

Expenses such as childcare expenses, family clothing, entertainment expenses, fines or penalties, hobby income, and certain travel-related expenses are not deductible for sole traders.

How long do I need to keep financial records as a sole trader?

As a sole trader, it is recommended to keep your financial records for five years. The records should be in English or easily converted to English, stored securely, and made available for inspection if requested by the ATO.

What are some tips for maximizing my tax return as a sole trader?

Some tips for maximizing your tax return as a sole trader include consulting with an accountant to optimize your tax deductions, staying updated with relevant tax laws, maintaining a budget to track your business expenses, and engaging in tax planning throughout the year.

How can accounting software help me with my sole trader tax return?

Accounting software designed for sole traders can help you track your income and expenses, manage receipts, create and send invoices, and handle tax-related tasks. It can streamline your financial management, ensure accuracy in tax calculations, and keep you organized throughout the year.

What are the benefits of a sole trader business structure?

The sole trader business structure offers simplicity and ease of operation. As a sole trader, you have full legal responsibility for your business, including debts and losses. You can use your individual Tax File Number (TFN) to lodge your tax return for your business income.

Where can I find resources for sole trader tax returns?

For resources on sole trader tax returns, you can visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website, consult with a registered tax agent for personalized advice, or explore business finance blogs and small business forums for tips and insights.